Goal Post - see how I made that a Football reference? Not really, I just happened but this is the last in my posts about how to not reach your goals.
When we set goals we expect to make them a reality but as you have seen in the previous posts that doesn't always happen. Another way we sabotage our goals is by letting jealousy and comparison halt our progress. When someone we know has set some of the same goals as us and we see them succeeding where we have not we then become jealous and compare what they have done or are doing with where we are or what we have done. Stop! We are all different and reach our goals in different ways. By looking at another's way of doing things and comparing them to what we are doing we begin to doubt what we are doing when perhaps we should take of notes and possibly rethink that way we are doing things. And don't let thoughts that they have an in, or they are just lucky, or whatever else comes into your mind about the other peson cloud your perspective. Keep moving ahead and possibly readjust to make it to your own goals. The other thing may be that you are not surrounding yourself with postive people who have made goals and are making them happen. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most of your time with. Make the people you associate with the good ones who will be positive about the goals you have set for yourself and help you to achieve them if required. Decide what it is you want - Write that shit down and then make the damn plan! AND...work on it! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! Reread what I have said will sabotage your goals and then do the exact opposite! Kaprocki out!
The best way to get to where you want to be is to make goals, write them down and then check them regularly. A planner helps you do this. Just recently I found the Commit30 planner which I am going to be using this year. Also, Mike Dooley has just created a new planner called Be Led by Joy which I may look at also to decide which one I want to use next year.
Remember that when you start making your goals to go by the old rule of being SMART in setting goals. S - Specific - Spell out the goal that you want to achieve in very specific terms. M - Measurable - You may need to create the steps that are needed to achieve the goals so write them down to so that you can measure your success as you check your goals. A - Achievable/Attainable - Make sure you can actually achieve the goal. If you need to make another goal that you must achieve to get to the big goal then write that one down first so that you can adhieve that one first. Sometime goals need steps to be attainable. R - Relevant - Make sure the goal pertains to where you want to be. There may be lots of things that you would like to do but if you have a Definite Purpose, as Napoleon Hill says, then make sure that each of your goals will get to the final end result. T - Time-bound or Timely - this means that there are steps that you can set that happen at specific times or in a specific order. You may need to set some specific dates in order to keep you on task. Break your goals into smaller goals to keep them each attainable. Large, unobtainable, and overwhelming may make for failure from the onset. Keep them in small specific goals to keep you on track. Stay tuned for more info in the next few days. Starting a Goal Setting series for the next couple of days!
Make setting your goals for the next year a priority! Take stock of where you've been and where you are right now. What worked for you in the past and what didn't. Be clear about it in order to get the results that you want. I will be hosted by Spirited Events by Jofa beginning in January with my Embrace Possibilities workshop where we will talk about how to create the Life that you want and one of the ways to do just that is to be clear in the goals that you have and taking the steps to make them happen. I will be talking about success and what it means to you and how our beliefs and thoughts create the Life we lead. This will be a 4 week workshop where you will get the chance to look at how you define success and how you can make that success real for you. As part of the workshop we will talk about goal setting and some of the things I plan on addressing over the next couple days will be discussed. Being clear on your goals, where you currently are and where you want to be will give you the results that you seek. Think about the emotions that go along with achieving your goals and let that be your guide. Take a minute now and think about some goals you have right now and think about how it feels to achieve them. Now, write them down! 80% of people don't even think about goals! 16% think about them but don't write them down! Only 4% write down their goals! AND 1% (the highest achievers!) write them down and review them periodically! Be the 1%! |
AuthorPaula Kaprocki, Life Coach, Massage Therapist, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, Author Archives
March 2021