Paula Kaprocki, LMT, BS, CPC

Family on the Mountain
Welcome to my Web site! Hello, my name is Paula Kaprocki and I am a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) in the states of Florida and Pennsylvania. (FL MA#36455 PA MSG 001854) I am a 1995 graduate of the Baltimore School of Massage Professional Program and attended classes at the Florida School of Massage to complete Florida Licensure requirements. I have completed Lomi Lomi training with Alice Belusko, LaStone Therapy training with Mary Nelson and the Medical Massage Practitioner training with Shamaya Chah. I have been certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) since 1996 and been a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) since 1995. I also hold a BS Degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and an ASB Degree in Computer Information System from Central Pennsylvania Business School (now Central Pennsylvania College). I am also a Certified Life Coach and Infinite Possibilities trainer.
I see at in my home office near Dover, PA. I am currently using a combination of techniques in my sessions which include Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage and Energy Work - Chakra Balancing and Reiki. I have been studying sound healing and more Hawaiian Spiritual work, including Ho'oponopono.
I moved to Dover, York County, Pa from central Florida in 2008 and taught at my Alma Mater of Baltimore School of Massage, York Campus then Cortiva Institute-York up until their untimely closure in 2019. I teach Nationally Certified Continuing Education (CE) classes through NCBTMB on the east coast and am looking to expand my territory to other areas in the U.S. or abroad. See my Current Classes Page.
I am a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer through classes and seminars with Mike Dooley from TUT. I am available for seminars about Infinite Possibilities, The Art of Changing Your Life. I have written a book outlining the lessons presented by Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success. You can find it on Amazon at this link - Success, Attraction and Other Secrets. You can also check out my Create a New Life Facebook page.
I am available for massage by appointment and can be reached at 717.818.7633. Leave a message if I am not available and I will be happy to return your call.
Thanx - Paula
I see at in my home office near Dover, PA. I am currently using a combination of techniques in my sessions which include Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage and Energy Work - Chakra Balancing and Reiki. I have been studying sound healing and more Hawaiian Spiritual work, including Ho'oponopono.
I moved to Dover, York County, Pa from central Florida in 2008 and taught at my Alma Mater of Baltimore School of Massage, York Campus then Cortiva Institute-York up until their untimely closure in 2019. I teach Nationally Certified Continuing Education (CE) classes through NCBTMB on the east coast and am looking to expand my territory to other areas in the U.S. or abroad. See my Current Classes Page.
I am a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer through classes and seminars with Mike Dooley from TUT. I am available for seminars about Infinite Possibilities, The Art of Changing Your Life. I have written a book outlining the lessons presented by Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success. You can find it on Amazon at this link - Success, Attraction and Other Secrets. You can also check out my Create a New Life Facebook page.
I am available for massage by appointment and can be reached at 717.818.7633. Leave a message if I am not available and I will be happy to return your call.
Thanx - Paula