If you would like to learn how to leverage the Universe to achieve the life you were meant to live…
If you would like to learn how your thoughts become the “things” of your life…
If you are feeling stuck in life or would like to make changes in your current relationship, career, health or just life in general...
Then this workshop is for you!
Based on the Book, Infinite Possibilities, The Art of Living Your Dreams by Mike Dooley this series will be taught by Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer, Paula Kaprocki. Paula will teach how YOU can CREATE the LIFE YOU DESIRE!
Paula J. Kaprocki, is a former IS Geek, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Professional Coach and Energy Work Practitioner from Dover, Pa. Paula is a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer and an Infinite Possibilities Trail Blazer. Paula has been in a training position both in manufacturing and academia for the past 20 years. Her background includes training computer users at the corporate level and training massage students in the standard classroom and in the continuing education arena. Paula brings her own style of teaching to the subject of Infinite Possibilities. She has been a "student" of Mike Dooley ever since meeting him over 15 years ago in a small bookstore in Sanford, FL. You will be entertained with stories of the Universe both from Mike's perspective and how it has worked in her life and the lives of many of her former students.
When: June 4th & 5th
Where: Cricket Manor, Frederick, MD
Cost: 1 hour Introduction Class on Friday Evening is free!
Class on Saturday and Sunday is $200 For just Saturday the cost is $125 Sunday will be a continuation of Saturday
To Register: Contact Paula Kaprocki, LMT using the email link at the top of this page or 717.818.7633